Tuesday, 5 February 2013

05/02/2013 Unity Research

Well for my final semester module DES 509, I'm going to try create a demo of my game; Resource.

I'm going to be using the unity engine to run this but first i have to learn myself!

I've been researching how some thing are going to work so i figured i'd document everything.

I'll be learning JavaScript since its the easiest for newbs

I've been looking at different functions i'll be using for game play and the ui.

Firstly OnGUI will allow me to give the player a visual of what their health is.

// JavaScript
function OnGUI () {
 if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,150,100), "I am a button")) {
  print ("You clicked the button!");
Secondly The Function OnTriggerStay will allow your character to interact with with game effects such as fire by collision.
If the character stands in the fire, their health will decrease until out of the fire.
I will also use this Function for triggering door animations.

// Applies an upwards force to all rigidbodies that enter the trigger.

function OnTriggerStay (other : Collider) {
    if (other.attachedRigidbody) {
        other.attachedRigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up * 10);

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Sex And Racial Skull Variations

Sex Comparison

We can look at many aspects to come to a conclusion, like weight of the skull, size, mandible. . .etc.
  • Male: Heavier
  • Female: Lighter
  • Male: In males the skull size is larger than that in females.
  • Females: Smaller compared to that in males.
The bony mass or the thickness of the bone:
  • Males: Thicker
  • Females: Thinner
  • Males: In males the forehead is slightly sloping or receding.
  • Females: The forehead is vertical.
Vault of the skull:
  • Males: The vault of the skull is more rounded.
  • Females: The vault is flattened than that in females.
Contour of the face:
  • Males: The overall length of the skul is longer and the chin is bigger and projects more forwards, the skull is rugged due to its muscular makeup, and the zygomatic bones are also more massive.
  • Females: The skull is Rounded, with the facial bons being more smoother, with both the jaws mandible and the maxilla being smaller.
Supraorbital margin:
  • Males: More rounded
  • Females: Sharp.
Tympanic plate:
  • Males: Larger and the margins are rounded.
  • Females: Smaller and the margins are less rounded.
Frontal bone and Forehead:
  • Males: Brow Ridges are well demarcated
  • Females: Smooth more vertical Frontal bone
Mastoid Process:
  • Males: Large Mastoid process
  • Females: Small Mastoid process

Race Variations